Camp Counselor
Smart Guide

Camp Counselor Smart Guide
How to Work with and Play with Kids at Summer Camp
by Michael Pastore

The campers are coming! The campers are coming!
Will you be ready to care for the kids ?
Here, in one lively book, is everything you need to know for confidence, charisma, success, and happiness in your job at summer camp. The 41 chapters are packed with practical ideas, savvy techniques, and super-fun games that you can use as soon as you open the book.
Camp Counselor Smart Guide teaches new or experienced counselors (and Camp Administrative staff):
◎ How to prevent misbehavior and nurture happy campers.
◎ How to practice the 10 Secrets of Working with Children.
◎ How to say “No” to kids, and get them to sleep at bedtime.
◎ How to lead dozens of games kids love to play.
◎ How to appreciate nature, and make your camp a model of green sustainable living.

Available in paperback and hardcover editions:
ISBN: 9780927379427 (Paperback, 6″x9″, 300 pages) $ 18

ISBN: 9780927379540 (Hardcover, 6″x9″, 300 pages) $ 26

Camp Counselor Smart Guide is the latest in our series about
nourishing happy children, including Child Maintenance; 101
Problems in Child Maintenance; Kids Play Games; and Summer Camp Jobs USA.

Summer Camp Jobs USA is published by Zorba Press (a division of Zorba Media) in Ithaca, New York.

Welcome to the companion website for our book Camp Counselor Smart Guide.
Here we have in-depth information about summer camp — for counselors, children, parents, and Camp Directors
If you are looking for a job at American summer camps, then visit our sister site for free resources, and information about the book, Summer Camp Jobs USA.